Manager: I need you to image 5 computers for packing stations in the warehouse.
Me: Ok. I've never imaged those particular computers. Do you know where the image file is located?
Manager: Ask William. He'll know.
Me: William, where can I find the pack station image?
William: It should be on the CIFs.
Me: Do you know WHICH share?
William: Ask the guys in Ohio. They should know.
Me: Hey guys, do you know where I can find the pack station image?
Ohio tech: It's on the shared drive.
Me:...WHERE on the shared drive?
Ohio tech:The two images we use the most are SpeedFbuntu-10.04-packing-new-building
for pack station and SpeedFbuntu-10.04-the-rest-new-building for lead or returns stations.
Me: Ok...but WHERE on the share are they located??
Ohio tech: *silence*
Ohio Lead: The images we use won't work at your location.
Me: *sigh*'s Monday.