Monday, March 23, 2015

Houston, we have a problem

Manager: I need you to image 5 computers for packing stations in the warehouse.
Me: Ok. I've never imaged those particular computers. Do you know where the image file is located?
Manager: Ask William. He'll know.

Me: William, where can I find the pack station image?
William: It should be on the CIFs.
Me: Do you know WHICH share?
William: Ask the guys in Ohio. They should know.

Me: Hey guys, do you know where I can find the pack station image?
Ohio tech: It's on the shared drive.
Me:...WHERE on the shared drive?
Ohio tech:The two images we use the most are SpeedFbuntu-10.04-packing-new-building
for pack station and SpeedFbuntu-10.04-the-rest-new-building for lead or returns stations.
Me: Ok...but WHERE on the share are they located??
Ohio tech: *silence*
Ohio Lead: The images we use won't work at your location.
Me: *sigh*'s Monday.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Ah management...

I thought I'd do something a little different in this post. We have a weekly meeting/conference call. This is what one of my tech's Tweeted (and FYI, I'm not the boss he was referring He was Tweeting this live during our meeting and told me about it after the fact. He is referring to systems that I had put together a few months ago. 

 First Tweet: "Yeah, you know that spreadsheet you do everyday to track your work? Yeah, that's been useless. So we're going to expand it."
My boss ladies and gentlemen.

Second Tweet: "Hey, you know that asset tracking system you put together and I told you we were going to do something else? Yeah, keep doing that system anyways."

Final Tweet: "On second thought, yeah don't do that. The original plan we shelved you for is back on. Or maybe not. Wait, I don't want to make decisions."

I love this guy! LOL