Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Almost...but not quite

Received a laptop that was shipped in by one of my end users today. It came in a really nice laptop shipping box. The box is perfect, nice and padded, cradling the laptop perfectly. One minor detail he forgot... TAPE THE FREAKING BOX SHUT!

...just saying...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Management epic fail

So yesterday I had a new user call that had just received her system. She had lost the paper that had her username and password. I called Data Security and got it for her. Then I walked her through changing the password. Not difficult. Later in the day I get the below email forwarded to me by our dispatcher from the manager of the Helpdesk:

Can you find out exactly how this was done? Did it require tools that the helpdesk doesn’t have? Do we need an updated script?

Spoke with EU. Gave her credentials. Walked through changing password. Contacted DS and let them know. Closing ticket.
*** CASE CLOSED 09/07/2010 04:21:00 PM Spoke with EU. Gave her credentials. Walked through changing password. Contacted DS and let them know. Closing ticket.
***STATUS CHANGE 09/07/2010 16:27:18

I saw this and was like, huh? So I replied to her with this:
All I did was give her the new username and password (that I had to call Data Security to get), got her logged in, walked her through connecting to VPN, walked her through changing her password, then called Data Security and told them she had changed her password so they could turn her PeopleSoft stuff back on. Not rocket science. If he needs step by step on how to change a password let me know.

So this morning she forwards me another email from him wanting step by step instructions. I was like really?? Seriously?? So, being the smart ass I am, here’s how I replied:

Here are the steps I took:

1) Gave EU her new credentials
2) Had her type username and password in
3) Verified she had an internet connection
4) Had her open VPN client
5) Had her select tunnel to Modesto and click connect
6) Once connected to VPN, had her hit CTL+ALT+DEL and click change password
7) Once back to the desktop had her hit CTL+ALT+DEL to lock system
8) Had her hit CTL+ALT+DEL to log back on
9) Contacted Data Security to let them know EU had possession of her system so they could turn her personal access back on

Here is a link to the Microsoft page on how to change a password in case there are further questions:

I know it was probably a career limiting move, but I just couldn’t resist. I did stop short of saying CTL+ALT+DEL was a utility built into Windows since Dr. DOS. LOL